
+34 932.211.981Passeig De Joan De Borbó, 78, 08039 BarcelonaBarcelonaEspaña

At Rangoli we aim to provide you with the culinary art of India, with an emphasis on the rich Indian street food. It's our pleasure to present to you recipes that have been handed down through generations and that flood the streets of India.

Located on the popular Barceloneta beach, we are the 2nd restaurant of Bembi´s Group. Enjoy the best Indian street food while watching the Mediterranean from our beautiful terrace.

Come and enjoy a wide variety of Indian street food: samosa, pakora, tandoori and an entire section of chaat. We have Halal food (certified) and vegetarian options. We also serve Indian delivery and Indian takeaway.

At Rangoli you will experience how Indians eat at grannies? home and on their streets!

Agregado por un Editor independiente el día 30/03/2022

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